Teaching with Primary Sources - Masaryk University

1. Introduction
2. Why do I do what I do?!?
3. Document Based Questions (DBQs)
4. Background Information
5. SOURCES Framework for Teaching with Primary and Secondary Sources
6. Preparing for the lesson:
7. What happened to Thomas Garber?
2. Why do I do what I do?!?
- University of Virginia
- Virginia Center for Digital History
- A letter from Thomas to Addie
3. Document Based Questions (DBQs)
4. Background Information
- Primary vs. Secondary Sources (Tertiary Sources)
- Authentic Historical Inquiry
- Sourcing
- Contextualization
- Close Reading
- Corroboration
- Historical Habits of Mind
5. SOURCES Framework for Teaching with Primary and Secondary Sources
6. Preparing for the lesson:
- KWL (S)
- what do you KNOW
- what do you WANT to know
- what did you LEARN
- what do you STILL want to learn
- Foldable
7. What happened to Thomas Garber?