Teaching with Primary Sources

1. Word for the day - Tailgating
- Pickup Truck Tailgate
- College Football Stadiums
- America's "favorite pastime"
- University of Central Florida
2. Discuss the Leaving Evidence of Our Lives (PDB) lesson and determine what are primary and secondary sources?
3. Together, let's define primary and secondary sources.
4. Analyzing Sources with Novice Level Students
5. Analyzing Photographs
6. Wineburg Model (Sourcing, Contextualization, Close Reading, and Corroboration)
7. Preparing for the lesson:
8. What happened to Thomas Garber?
- What does "Tailgating" mean?
- Pickup Truck Tailgate
- College Football Stadiums
- America's "favorite pastime"
- University of Central Florida
2. Discuss the Leaving Evidence of Our Lives (PDB) lesson and determine what are primary and secondary sources?
3. Together, let's define primary and secondary sources.
- What are primary and secondary sources?
- Make a two column list.
- Create a list.
- Revisit your list of primary and secondary sources (modify, add, etc.) - Tertiary Sources
- ALWAYS REMEMBER - "What is your question?"
4. Analyzing Sources with Novice Level Students
5. Analyzing Photographs
- Non-example image and bibliographic information (too much context necessary to truly understand - I went to browse the photographs and prints and this was the first result)
6. Wineburg Model (Sourcing, Contextualization, Close Reading, and Corroboration)
- Sourcing
- Contextualization
- Close Reading
- Corroboration
7. Preparing for the lesson:
- KWL (S)
- what do you KNOW
- what do you WANT to know
- what did you LEARN
- what do you STILL want to learn
- Foldable
- SOURCES Framework for Teaching with Primary and Secondary Sources
- Framework Analysis Sheet
- SOURCES Analysis Sheet
8. What happened to Thomas Garber?